• Awards 


  2009 Ask A Liberian (State of Florida) PSA Contest....   "2nd PLACE"
2010 L-Dub Film Festival....   "BEST DIRECTOR"
2010 L-Dub Film Festival....   "TOP FIVE FILMS"
2010 FSPA District....   BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER  "2nd PLACE"
2011 FSPA States....   Every Student Has A Story   "HONORABLE MENTION"


Mike is an aspiring and talented, producer, writer, director and videographer.  He has been creating films for over 10 year and yet he is only approaching 20 years of age.

He has been involved in the creation of several award winning films and PSA's that carry important messages and reflect professional workmanship, far beyond his years.

With plans to attend a prestigious film program at one of the specialty colleges in Florida in about two year, Mike is currently attending Palm Beach State College.   His focus on studies in Film & Motion Picture Production, with additional classes in creative writing, etc.

Last year, to take maximum advantage of his Senior High School year, he took double classes in Media training with the support of his professionally trained teacher.  It was a crunch but it fit his plan to build a respected film company over the next few years. 

Ambitious and exciting, but that's Mike...




Brandon is our rock.  He loves to work on projects and keeps the guys on track, he is always focused.  Likewise he has written, directed and produced many films, including starring in the fabulously popular "Kick Ball, the Movie!"  When Brandon is on a project, you know it will stay on schedule and bring out the best in film production.






An experienced cameraman and producer, we actually refer to Danny as the "Voice".  His second love is acting and voice over work, he is truly an accomplished artist.  His acting skills were heavily responsible for the recognition and awards presented to the team during the 2010 L-Dub Film Festival.  The movie, Do You Believe?, drew accolades from professional movie producers and placed in the "Top Five Films" for 2010.



Anna takes care of coordination of projects but is an accomplished writer, producer and front of camera spokesperson.  Now attending Palm Beach State College, her major is Journalism and related News/Media Production studies.  A truly driven professional already, her plans includes becoming the companies President or CEO by the time she is 25.

If you need a host or co-host for your new product or training video, Anna is your choice.  We can work with you and her to produce a truly professional presentation that will bring your project to life.  Keep your eyes open, we are sure you will being see more and more of Miss Zatorska on local TV and NEW programs the next few years.


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